Chris Caldeira

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Chris Caldeira...

     ...First fell in love with the sociological perspective when she was Acquisitions Editor for Cengage, a textbook publisher, where she published the first intro sociology book to use photographs as a key instructional tool to help students understand abstract concepts. Written by Joan Ferrante, Seeing Sociology is now in its third edition and Chris is the lead photographer.  Chris has been a key reviewer of the book How Race Has Estranged US: An Invitation to Talk by Joan Ferrante (forthcoming UC Press), reading it at least three times and providing constructive critique.  Chris got the crazy idea to become an academic herself; she is about to complete her PhD in Sociology from UC Davis where her current research focuses on women who work in Bay Area high tech companies. Along this journey she became an Airbnb host and found that she derives so much satisfaction from it that she now consults with new Airbnb hosts. The facts that books seem follow Chris wherever she goes and that she is enamored by the honor system recently led her to become a Little Free Library steward where she curates a collection of free books for her local community. For relaxation, she takes weekend road trips exclusively on backroads. She will graduate from her PhD program in June of 2018.